Moon Reef, situated in the northeast of Korovou Town, Tailevu, Fiji Islands, is renowned for its unique features. This picturesque location is home to a thriving pod of several hundred Spinner Dolphins that reside here throughout the year. Moon Reef derives its name from its distinctive coral reef, which takes the shape of a moon and symbolizes the pure and tranquil essence of Fiji.
Spinner Dolphins, with their playful nature and acrobatic skills, elegantly spin and leap through the water, filling the surroundings with joy and wonder. These social creatures form close-knit pods, communicating through clicks, whistles, and body movements. They engage in a range of activities, including sleeping, socializing, mating, giving birth, playing, and resting during the morning. In the afternoon, they become more active, preparing for their nighttime feeding and leaving the reef around 4 pm to venture into the open ocean to satisfy their hunger. Encounter these captivating dolphins and be mesmerized by their beauty and lively presence in the sea.
•Sunglasses and sunscreen
•Comfortable clothing and slippers
•Change of clothes and towel
•Camera to capture the playful dolphins and stunning aerial sightseeing
NO Swimming with Dolphins:
In consideration of the sensitivity of spinner dolphins to human presence, we adhere to a policy of non-interference. Therefore, we kindly request that guests refrain from swimming with, touching, or feeding the dolphins. Instead, we offer the opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures from a short distance. If the dolphins approach our vessel, we will maintain our course, speed, and respectfully follow their lead, allowing them to determine the duration and nature of the interaction.
Baggage Allowance:
Please note that this is day trip activity, we have limited space on board,we kindly ask that guests do not bring large bags. For guests who are carrying large baggage, we kindly request that you store at PIA(Pacific Island Air) airport office for safekeeping.
Booking Requirements: To secure a booking, we kindly request full payment at the time of reservation. Once payment is received, we will send you a confirmation email to confirm your booking.
Safety Considerations for Individuals with Disabilities or Elderly Passengers:
Please note that embarking and disembarking a seaplane can be challenging, particularly during rough or windy weather conditions.For individuals with mobility problems or recent injuries, we strongly advise against traveling on a seaplane. We advise consulting your physician prior to making any travel arrangements.
There are approximately 92 species of dolphins worldwide. The Spinner dolphins you will encounter in Moon Reef are known for their small size, impressive speed, acrobatic nature, agility, and vibrant vitality. Prepare to be captivated by their exuberant displays and joyful presence.
There is an estimated population of around 200 spinner dolphins residing within Moon Reef. During our tour, it is common to come across multiple smaller pods ranging from 20 to 50 dolphins each. These pods often consist of mothers, calves, and juveniles. While we cannot guarantee dolphin sightings as they are wild animals, the chances of encountering them are incredibly high, with a probability of 99%.
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